Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
NY City Hall ghostwrote letter to help Ground Zero mosque group while St. Nicholas Church destroyed by Islam at Ground Zero gets bupkis
"Dozens of e-mails between Mayor Bloomberg's aides and developers of the proposed mosque near Ground Zero reveal a cordial, if not downright cozy, relationship and the length to which a top city staffer went to help the project -- even drafting a letter for the group
- soliciting support from the community board, and providing the fax number to send it.
- to the chairperson of Community Board 1, Julie Menin,
- as the panel prepared to vote on its recommendation on the project.
Parvizi e-mailed the draft to Khan and her husband, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf -- ending with the salutation, "Best, Daisy,"
- indicating that she actually was preparing Khan's letter to a city agency.
She also included the fax number and mailing address for CB1 -- which ultimately voted in favor of the project in May --
- and offered further assistance.
The letter -- which Menin said she never received -- thanked her personally for "giving us an audience to share our vision of the Cordoba Center in Manhattan."
"We are incredibly saddened by the media distortion on what this project actually is and to whom it serves," Parvizi went on to write, according to a May 14 e-mail the Mayor's Office made public yesterday.
- Opponents of the plan were furious.
"The mayor was touting, ironically, government
- not being involved in religion,
"I think this is highly improper.""
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground Zero was completely destroyed by Islamic terrorists in 2001 but gets no help from NYC.NYC Mayor Bloomberg intervened for Ground Zero mosque group
"Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office worked behind the scenes to help the organizers of a mosque and community center near Ground Zero, intervening with city administrators to get a temporary prayer service permit and having an official ghostwrite a letter to community leaders.
E-mails released by the city document the cooperation between Bloomberg's Community Affairs Unit and the Cordoba Initiative, even as a furor erupted this year over the center's proposed existence two blocks north of Ground Zero. The city released the documents
- in response to a public-records lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a conservative group.
Bloomberg's spokesman said the city has extended similar help to other religious groups. But Judicial Watch says the e-mails show the city government went too far with its assistance.
Bloomberg has been one of the strongest supporters of the project, which drew huge protests on both sides in the months before the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Opponents argued that locating a mosque so close to the attack site is insensitive to the victims' memories. Bloomberg and other supporters have said allowing the center to be built reflects American values of tolerance and religious freedom.
- The city's help was no different than the assistance it gives other organizations, Bloomberg spokesman Stu Loeser said.
"It is nothing out of the ordinary. This is what the Community Affairs Unit does," he said, citing assistance the mayor's office gave Roman Catholic officials in composing a letter to community boards asking for their help with a papal visit and in rushing through a permit for a temporary hut erected for a Jewish holiday.
In May, Nazli Parvizi, the head of the city's community affairs unit, composed a 500-word letter to send to Community Board 1, an advisory council in lower Manhattan, about the mosque project.
The draft of Parvizi's letter describes the center as
- a "wonderful expression of our religion" and laments "media distortion" of the project.
The letter in e-mails was signed by Daisy Khan, the wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the project.
- In August, Bloomberg cited the community board's support in a speech endorsing the project.
In January the Cordoba Initiative asked Bloomberg's commissioner of immigrant affairs, Fatima Shama, for help getting a temporary permit to hold Friday worship services at the proposed site. The city had approved permits for previous weeks, and the group believed the omission was due to a clerical error.
- Shama responded a few hours later, saying the problem had been fixed.
As public anger over the mosque began to spread in May, supporters turned to the city for advice.
- "Is there a good time to chat tomorrow. We need some guidance on how to tackle the opposition," Khan wrote to Shama.
The e-mails also document donations of $300 from the Cordoba Initiative and $150 from the American Society for Muslim Advancement, a sister group, to help pay for an Aug. 24, 2009, dinner celebrating the holy Islamic month of Ramadan at the mayor's residence.
- Loeser said the donations did not influence the mayor's support of the project.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the documents show the city was an active proponent of the project. "He obviously feels strongly about it, but he
shouldn't turn the taxpayers of New York into advocates for this group," Fitton said."...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The most important thing to know about the Tea Party "is that there are more of them than ever before in American history." Spengler
- Being routinely scorned by George Bush and his cronies got many of us going.
12/7/10, "Longevity gives life to Tea Party," Spengler
"How could the Tea Party elect five senators and 40 members of the United States Congress last November, none with political experience and many with evident eccentricities? The answer is that a single issue united a slapdash agglomeration of amateurs, with sufficient power to override all the sources of weakness.
The Tea Party represents creditors of the government who do not want to be cheated out of their savings; that is, people close to retirement age who fear slow confiscation by inflation. Governments that run huge deficits normally reduce them by debasing the currency, in order to repay their debts in inflated money.
In fact, the Tea Party is a triumph of economic rationality over lack of talent: its reason for being is so compelling and so clear that it has succeeded despite the silliness of some of its candidates. One top Republican pollster thinks that the "I am not a witch" message aired by losing Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell in Delware was the
- single worst piece of advertising in political history.
- The most important thing to know about such people is that there are more of them than ever before in American history.
Elderly dependents have remained fairly static as a percentage of total population during the past 40 years. But the proportion will jump from 19% today to 32% in 2030. This seismic change in American demographics explains a great deal.
In 1975, when Jimmy Carter ran for president, 39 out 100 Americans were dependent children, but only 16 out of 100 Americans were dependent elderly. The baby boomers were in their twenties and starting families. Once elected president, Carter allowed the inflation rate to reach double-digits by 1981. A family that bought a house for $60,000 in January 1975 could have sold it for $110,000 in January 1981. In fact, home prices offered positive returns after inflation (stocks, bonds, and cash all showed negative real returns during the 1980s).
Elderly people on fixed pensions took part-time jobs or ate pet food as the value of money shrank; young people caught a free ride on the inflation wave. No one liked inflation, to be sure, but it was an ill wind that blew good to a great many people. The Carter administration, though, made an elementary blunder: as inflation drove up nominal income, it also pushed middle class taxpayers into higher tax brackets intended to soak the rich. With a top tax rate of 70%, the tax squeeze due to inflation became a crushing burden on the middle class, and the high rate of taxation on nominal capital gains was often confiscatory. If the Carter administration had indexed tax rates to inflation, it might have lasted a second term.
Now the tables are turned. By 2030, elderly dependents will comprise 32% of the American population, twice the level in 1975.
- For the first time in history, the number of elderly dependents will equal the number of child dependents. Americans now aged 45 will retire in 2030, and it is their concerns that give buoyancy to the Tea Party.
This is not the first time that monetary issues have motivated the formation of an important third party. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a prolonged deflation under the gold standard drew Western farmers to the inflationist Free Silver movement. Permitting silver coinage would have increased the money supply, raised the price level and helped debtors. The movement was powerful enough to take over the Democratic Party in 1896, when its candidate William Jennings Bryan (an unknown 36-year-old congressman) excoriated Eastern creditor interests and their ''cross of gold'' imposed by Eastern creditor interests.
- The proportion of prospective pensioners in the rest of the industrial world exceeds that in the United States...
- for example, on the extent to which France and Germany will bail out Ireland, Portugal, Greece, or Spain.
- demographics and rational interest will make it an
- (As for the left, they believe the country is theirs because we will be dead soon. Many Tea Partiers are in their 40's or younger, so they'll have a long wait. They hope to hurry us off by giving us a UK style medical system where seniors are routinely left to starve. They figure in a few years we'll be gone, and a snakepit of crime, poverty and despair will be theirs. A land mass with no borders. But our numbers are just beginning.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Individuals in Kenyan government stealing a third of national funds. Africa is poor because of corrupt leaders NOT 'climate'
"The Kenyan government has said it could be losing nearly one-third of the national budget to corruption.
- Finance ministry officials told a parliamentary committee the losses could be nearly $4bn (£2.5bn) a year.
They said individuals were taking huge sums meant for development projects.
- Analysts say many Kenyans will be surprised not by the news of the losses, but by the fact the
admission has come from such senior officials.
- Kitu kidogo - the Swahili for "something small" - is how the kickbacks are commonly described in Kenya.
Taking 10% of an awarded tender or inflating project costs are said to be the commonest means of dipping into government coffers.
- Corruption has been the Achilles heel of successive Kenyan regimes.
But the efforts of the country's newly-appointed anti-corruption commissioner - who now has the power to prosecute individuals -
- are causing ripples in government quarters."
- 3 African leaders accused of stealing $223 million from their goverments
"France's highest appeals court has authorised judges to proceed with an investigation into assets held in the country by three African leaders.
- The anti-corruption group Transparency International has accused the three of using African public funds to buy luxury homes and cars in France....
The three leaders, one of whom is now dead, had denied wrongdoing.
- They are Denis Sassou-Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo and
- Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea, as well as
- the late Gabonese leader, Omar Bongo (whose living relatives are also named).
Transparency estimates the total value of the three leaders' estates in France at 160m euros (£140m, $223m)."...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
ClimateGate leader Phil Jones is 'in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC' and governments
- Their importance cannot be overestimated.
Professor Philip Jones, the CRU's director, is in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC to draw up its reports. Through its link to the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Met Office, which selects most of the IPCC's key scientific contributors, his global temperature record is the most important of the four sets of temperature data on which the IPCC
- and governments rely –
not least for their predictions that the world will warm to catastrophic levels unless
- trillions of dollars are spent to avert it.
- Given star billing by the IPCC, not least for the way it appeared to eliminate the long-accepted Mediaeval Warm Period when temperatures were higher they are today, the graph became the central icon of the entire man-made global warming movement.
Since 2003, however, when the Steve McIntyre , an increasingly heated battle has been raging between Mann's supporters, calling themselves "the Hockey Team", and McIntyre and his own allies, as they have ever more devastatingly called into question the entire statistical basis on which the IPCC and CRU construct their case.
The senders and recipients of the leaked CRU emails constitute a cast list of the IPCC's scientific elite, including not just the "Hockey Team", such as Dr Mann himself, Dr Jones and his CRU colleague Keith Briffa, but Ben Santer, responsible for a highly controversial rewriting of key passages in the IPCC's 1995 report; Kevin Trenberth, who similarly controversially pushed the IPCC into scaremongering over hurricane activity; and Gavin Schmidt, right-hand man to Al Gore's ally Dr James Hansen, whose own GISS record of surface temperature data is second in importance only to that of the CRU itself....
- But the question which inevitably arises from this systematic refusal to release their data is – what is it that these scientists seem so anxious to hide?...
What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results.
The third shocking revelation of these documents is the ruthless way in which these academics have been determined to silence any expert questioning of the findings they have arrived at by such dubious methods – not just by refusing to disclose their basic data but by discrediting and freezing out any scientific journal which dares to publish their critics' work. It seems they are prepared to stop at nothing to stifle scientific debate in this way, not least by ensuring that no dissenting research should find its way into the pages of IPCC reports.
Back in 2006, when the eminent US statistician Professor Edward Wegman produced an expert report for the US Congress vindicating Steve McIntyre's demolition of the "hockey stick", he excoriated the way in which this same "tightly knit group" of academics seemed only too keen to collaborate with each other and to "peer review" each other's papers in order to dominate the findings of those IPCC reports on which
- much of the future of the US and world economy may hang.
In light of the latest revelations, it now seems even more evident that these men have been failing to uphold those principles which lie at the heart of genuine scientific enquiry and debate. Already one respected US climate scientist, Dr Eduardo Zorita, has called for Dr Mann and Dr Jones to be barred from any further participation in the IPCC. Even our own George Monbiot, horrified at finding how he has been betrayed by the supposed experts he has been revering and citing for so long, has called for Dr Jones to step down as head of the CRU.
The former Chancellor Lord (Nigel) Lawson, last week launching his new think tank, the Global Warming Policy Foundation , rightly called for a proper independent inquiry into the maze of skulduggery revealed by the CRU leaks. But the inquiry mooted on Friday, possibly to be chaired by Lord Rees, President of the Royal Society –
- itself long a shameless propagandist for the warmist cause –
is far from being what Lord Lawson had in mind. Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with a whitewash of what has become the greatest scientific scandal of our age."
by Christopher Booker, "Climate Change: This is the worst scientific scandal of our generation" Telegraph, 11/28/09
Monday, November 22, 2010
'Racial profiling: be sure to get my good side'
- But lost in these debates among wise men and wise women is the practicality of the matter as it relates to the baddest of the bad guys — those we’d most like to keep the hell out, those most worth stopping once they’re here.
What do you think the reaction is to these satellite-delivered American TV racial profiling debates as heard by Islamic terrorists, operating anywhere from Tehran to Toronto? They must laugh their heads off, wonder if we’re all nuts.
- Surely, they ask: “How, at this point in history, can there be any such debate among our sworn enemies? How much more mayhem can we inflict on them before they realize that we’ve declared war?”
- “They’re debating whether, just over the U.S. border, the police should be allowed to ask for identification based on a Hispanic’s — or anyone else’s — suspicious behavior. How funny is that! Why not just send the Welcome Wagon to pick us up at the border!”
The practicality of the debate is lost in a stew of Constitutional applications that reflect “feelings” — whether it’s “fair” to racially profile, whether it’s “nice.”
- No, it’s not nice, but it’s fair. Consider: No one’s rooting harder for the anti-profilers than the baddest of the alien bad guys!
Funny, those who oppose racial profiling as a violation of inalienable rights, ignore the most open and virulent form of racial profiling as legally practiced within our judicial system.
If a minority crime suspect is arrested and charged, his/her defense team often accuse the cops and the DA’s office with a race-based arrest and prosecution — racial profiling — which may or may not be true.
Yet, in choosing juries, defense teams carefully, conspicuously and without apology select jurors based on race and gender profiling.
- So it’s considered intolerable that a person be questioned, suspected or arrested if there’s even fractional evidence that he or she was stopped due to a racial profile.
So race should play no role in the deterrence or the investigation of crime, yet it should play a role in the adjudication of those accused of crimes.
- Why is that tolerated?
Meanwhile, it’s Sunday. That’s Comedy Day/Night for the baddest of bad guys operating from Yemen to the Yucatan, targeting the wide-open US to do their worst.
- Sunday’s the day when satellite TV carries those serious debates among American wise people as to whether it’s right for police to stop a person based on fitting the profile of law breakers, because it might hurt their feelings.
“Oh man, that’s rich! Stop, you’re killing me!” Yeah, maybe we can get them to laugh themselves to death."
from NY Post by Phil Mushnick, 11/21/10, "Racial profiling-be sure to get my good side"
Saturday, November 13, 2010
10 year old boy caned for possible non-Islamic food in "moderate" Islamic country of Malaysia
- "Jakim to probe man's creed after son caned over sausages,"
via Weasel Zippers
Friday, November 12, 2010
Growth slows across Europe in 3rd quarter, Spain abandons dozens of jobs projects. Soros has to be thrilled
"The pace of economic recovery has slowed in Europe's major economies, according to official estimates.
Germany, Europe's largest economy, has seen a sharp slowdown in the third quarter,
- with growth of 0.7% compared with the record expansion of 2.3% it reported in the previous three months.
In France, GDP grew by 0.4% between July and September, compared with growth of 0.7% in the previous quarter.
- The 16 eurozone members grew 0.4% on average, down from 1% growth before.
Italy also saw its rate of recovery decline, to 0.2% from 0.5% in the second quarter."...
- Hey, how about those GREEN JOBS Obama said were so great in
For every new position that depends on energy price supports, at least 2.2 jobs in other industries will disappear, according to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid."...
- (There is no such thing as a 'green job,' as most know. ed.)
11/11/10, "The government has
- suspended dozens of road and rail projects and cut civil servants' wages as
- part of deep spending cuts aimed at reining in the massive public deficit."...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Communists in India burn Obama in effigy

"Activists from the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML) shout slogans as they burn an effigy depicting U.S. President Barack Obama during a protest in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad November 8, 2010" Reuters photo
via Weasel Zippers
Friday, October 29, 2010
Under the guise of 'caring,' and endless pressure of hedge funds, Californians declare Americans guilty of climate crimes & beg to pay reparations
- The average person would need to spend all his time studying this matter to begin to learn the fraud committed on him and his country by billionaire thugs in the name of 'caring about the planet.' They've made it complicated, knowing the chump taxpayer won't know what hit him until it's too late.
- "Q: Do you accept CDM methodologies as approved Reserve Protocols? Do you recognize Gold Standard projects? A: No. Only project protocols that are developed by the Climate Action Reserve are accepted for use in our system. The Reserve often turns to CDM methodologies as a starting point for our protocols, but CDM methodologies (on which the Gold Standard relies) do not have the standardized additionality and/or baseline criteria that are built into our protocols. CDM methodologies are also designed for projects in developing countries, which are not always appropriate for use in the United States.
- Q: What is the difference between the Climate Action Reserve and the Chicago Climate Exchange? A: The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is a voluntary, for-profit GHG trading system. CCX members agree to legally binding voluntary GHG reduction targets. To comply with those targets, which are set as a percentage of a historical baseline, members must either reduce their emissions internally or purchase tradable allowances or offset credits from other members who have generated GHG reductions. The CCX has its own set of protocols for quantifying and certifying emission reductions from offset projects. However, offset credits comprise only a fraction of the total number of tradable emission certificates issued by the CCX (the majority are emission allowances).The Reserve, by contrast, is not an exchange. The Reserve is a non-profit registry that serializes and tracks GHG reductions generated in adherence to our protocols and independently verified by accredited verification bodies. Although offset credits may be transferred between accounts in the Reserve registry, credits are not traded through the Reserve system and the Reserve plays no role in setting the price for CRTs.
- Q: Can the CRTs also be sold on CCX? A: CRTs cannot be sold on the CCX system. However, CRT futures can be traded on The Green Exchange and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE)....
- Q: What happens to the Reserve if a federal mandate is established for offsets? A: While we cannot predict how or when the federal government will regulate GHG offsets, we are confident that we are developing a program and processes that will ultimately inform their actions. The Reserve has already been recognized as a source of high quality offsets by a number of government bodies. For example, the State of California has recognized the Reserve and its project protocols as voluntary early actions under AB 32, and Pennsylvania has named the Reserve as a recommended source of offsets for businesses operating in the state. We believe the Reserve is also well positioned to be a supplier of offsets for the Western Climate Initiative. All of this leads us to believe that the Reserve will be recognized by a federal offset program....
- Reduction in emissions of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in the electric power sector
- Reduction or avoidance of CO2 emissions from natural gas, oil, or propane end-use combustion due to end-use energy efficiency in the building sector
- Q: What is the average verification cost per project? A: The cost of verification is highly dependent on a number of factors including: the size and complexity of the project, how well organized the project documents and records are, the number of years being verified, etc. Different project types also require different types of monitoring, which affects the cost of verification. We do not yet have sufficient data to provide an average verification cost per project type. Here is the current list of accredited verification bodies if you would like to seek out a quote on a particular project.
- Q: How is regulatory compliance verified? A: All project protocols contain provisions for verifying that projects registered with the Reserve comply with all local, state, and national regulations. Project developers are required to 1) sign a Regulatory Attestation that states the project is in compliance with all applicable regulations and 2) disclose specific regulations to which the project is subject. While verification bodies are not required to conduct a full regulatory audit as part of verification, they do use the information provided by the project developer and their professional expertise to assess the project’s regulatory compliance.
- Q: How soon after a project begins operation can it be verified? A: Most projects require at least annual verification; the project developer may choose to verify more frequently. A project may be verified as soon as there are reduction tonnes to be verified. Some developers may choose to have their project verified when operations begin, just to make sure everything is being done correctly, but this is not required. The exception to this is for forest projects, which may not be verified sub-annually.
- Q: As a project developer, do you need to verify the quantity of CRTs each year, or will the Reserve assign a yearly CRT production level for the life of the project? A: The Reserve will only issue CRTs after a project undergoes a successful verification and the emissions reductions reported by the project developer have been checked for accuracy. As most projects require annual verification, we expect new CRTs to be issued for most projects on a yearly basis. However, new CRTs are not automatically issued to a registered project – verification of those tonnes must occur before CRTs are issued. Refer to the project Verification Program Manual, and individual project protocols for guidance on the requirements for each project type.
- Q: Are consultants that provide technical assistance on a project also required to be accredited? A: No. The only part of the process for which you are required to hire an accredited third party is for verification. There are no accreditation requirements for individuals or organizations you hire to provide you with technical assistance.
- Q: Do project verification bodies have to be accredited by ANSI? A: By the end of 2010, all verification bodies will need to be accredited under ISO 14065 or enrolled in the ANSI (the American National Standards Institute) accreditation program to be eligible to conduct verification activities for the Reserve program in the United States. Verification bodies approved by the California Registry may continue to conduct verifications for the sector-specific protocols for which they have previously been approved through December 31, 2010. The Reserve also requires that verifiers successfully complete sector-specific project protocol training courses to conduct verifications. Under the recently adopted Mexican Landfill and Livestock Project Protocols, the Reserve will also allow Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) accredited Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) in relevant Sectoral Scopes to perform verification under the Reserve until January 1, 2011, if they have met Reserve training and additional requirements. More details on verification body accreditation can be found here.
CRTs (Climate Reserve Tonnes)
- Q: How many CRTs are issued per ton of carbon reduction? A: One CRT is equal to one metric ton (tonne) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions reductions.
- Q: Do you track the price paid for CRTs? A: No. The Reserve is not an exchange and therefore does not track or report on the price paid for CRTs. Buyers and sellers negotiate a price outside of the Reserve, and then use the Reserve to transfer CRTs from one account to another. We do not require disclosure from our account holders on the price paid per CRT.
- Q: Can you provide an estimate for pricing on CRTs? A: While the Reserve does not track the price of CRTs, a May 2009 report from New Carbon Finance put the average price of CRTs at $6.30, at the “premium end of the market”. It is also possible to view prices for CRT futures being traded on The Green Exchange and the CCFE.
- Q: How do I sell CRTs once they are in my account? Is there a specific contract template that we should use? A: All sales happen over-the-counter between buyers and sellers. At the moment there is no template contract for the sale or transfer of CRTs. However, we may develop one in the future. We are also in discussions with a major commodities exchange about allowing CRTs to be traded on their system.
- Q: Can CRTs generated inside California be traded outside California (e.g. as an offset for a project in a different state)? A: For voluntary transactions, the answer is yes. If the question is whether CRTs may be recognized for regulatory compliance in another state, that will depend on whether the other state allows and/or recognizes CRTs as offsets in their program. Currently, CRTs are only being used in the voluntary offset market and have not been approved for use in any compliance market. However, the Reserve has already been recognized as a source of high quality offsets by a number of government bodies. For example, the State of California has recognized the Reserve and its project protocols as voluntary early actions under AB 32, and Pennsylvania has named the Reserve as a recommended source of offsets for businesses operating in the state....
- Q: Do you know of any sales taxes that apply to transfers of CRTs?A: You should contact your tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of transferring CRTs....
- Q: Can I hold CRTs in my active accounts on behalf of someone else? A: It depends. This activity is only possible for account holders who qualify as "regulated persons", such as banks. Please refer to the Terms of Use, available here, for more details. For all other account holders, all CRTs in the active account must be owned by the account holder. If you sell a CRT to a buyer, they become the “beneficial owner” of those reductions, even if they are not a Reserve account holder. If CRTs are sold, they must be transferred to the buyer or put into a retirement account.
- Q: What is a “beneficial owner”? A: A “beneficial owner” is one who has the benefits of ownership of a security or property even though the title is in another name. For example, when an investor purchases stocks from a brokerage firm, they become the beneficial owner of those stocks, though the brokerage firm remains the actual official owner in the system-of-record. In the case of CRTs, the beneficial owner has the right to use those reductions to offset their own GHG footprint.
- Q: Can I retire CRTs in my retirement account on behalf of someone else? A: Yes, but there are limitations. If an account-holder retires 100 or more CRTs for the same individual or organization within a calendar year, they must disclose the name of the buyer to the Reserve, though this information is kept confidential. If an account-holder retires 100,000 or more CRTs for the same individual or organization within a calendar year, the buyer’s information is no longer considered confidential, and may be made public at the Reserve’s discretion. These policies are meant to uphold the integrity and accountability of the system.
- For more information please refer to the Climate Action Reserve Terms of Use.
- Q: Am I required to upgrade if there is a newer version of the protocol available? A: No, you may use the protocol version to which your project was listed for the duration of the crediting period. If errata and clarifications are released that correct or codify certain elements of the protocol version you are using, you must incorporate the errata and clarifications posted for that version."
Monday, October 25, 2010
Chicago Tea Party video-proof that Rob Reiner flunked history and he is the one spewing hate. Watch this.
9/15/10, NY Times editorial, "Primary Day 2010- The Tea Party's Snarl"
From the editorial:
- "the growling face of a new fringe in American politics...
- the tiny fraction of furious voters...
- appealing to the basest political instincts...
- the toxic message of the Tea Party
- ...the sense of national embarrassment
- extremism..."...
UPDATE: US STATE DEPT. CHOOSES NY TIMES TO EXPLAIN 'TEA PARTY' to foreign press, Washington Examiner, 10/25, via Weasel Zippers.
Friday, October 22, 2010
'Caring' environmental legal boutiques & lack of gov. oversight strangle US taxpayers while they're busy working to enrich lawyers
11/19/2009: "Litigation: Lawsuit abuse charge by Western lawmakers enrages enviros", by Phil Taylor, reporter
"Poor government oversight has allowed advocacy groups to squander taxpayer money on frivolous lawsuits that drain the budgets of federal land management agencies without the knowledge of the public or Congress, a group of Western lawmakers told Attorney General Eric Holder in a letter released this week.
Specifically, members of the Congressional Western Caucus charge that environmental groups have used the Equal Access to Justice Act to win back millions of dollars in attorney fees for lawsuits filed against the Forest Service and other federal agencies.
Well-intentioned lawCongress passed the Equal Access to Justice Act nearly 30 years ago to allow individuals, small businesses or public interest groups to be reimbursed for the cost of attorneys that represent them in cases of alleged wrongdoing by the federal government.
The law allows average citizens and nonprofit groups to hold federal agencies accountable
- for violations of environmental laws such as the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act,
but also to provide greater government accountability in a number of other policy spheres, including
- copyright and trademark infringement, disability and retirement pay, and fair housing.
But ever since Congress lifted reporting requirements for EAJA payments in 1995, the public has been left in the dark about
- how much money groups have received under the act and for which cases, the letter says.
"We have no clue as to what is actually being spent on this program," said Utah Rep. Rob Bishop (R), chairman of the CWC and ranking member of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands. "The sad part is
- this has become a cottage industry that groups use to fund further lawsuits against the government."
Under the guise of "public interest," groups intent on sealing off Western lands to ranchers and energy companies have
- abused EAJA to further their narrow political agendas, the letter states.
"EAJA is an important tool for protecting citizens' rights against the federal government," the letter says. "Sadly, its abuse undoubtedly has
- far reaching consequences on both public lands management decisions and for all American taxpayers.""...
- (If people stop being "sad" and get "angry" instead, maybe something positive will happen. Look how far Soros has gotten with his anger. ed)
(continuing, EENews): "Research cited by the letter found $4.7 billion was awarded from the U.S. Treasury's Justice Fund from 2003 to July 2007, though it is unclear how much of those funds went to environmental groups. The same memo identifies less than $1.7 million in EAJA payments to environmental groups from the Forest Service from 2003 to 2005.
The CWC letter requests information on how the Justice Department keeps records of EAJA disbursements and urges the agency to bring the act "back into the sunshine" by
- building a searchable public database listing the names of organizations that have
- received reimbursements for attorney fees and for which cases....
Environmental groups rejected charges that they have abused the act in order to siphon money from the federal government.
- "There is absolutely nothing abusive about the EAJA paying fees to attorneys who overturn illegal government decisions," said Suckling of CBD. "That is exactly what the law was created for."
EAJA reimbursements are awarded only if a group wins a lawsuit against the government, Suckling noted. The law stipulates that plaintiffs receive $125 per attorney hour from the government when they win a case.
Groups also receive money from the
- Treasury Department's Justice Fund
for cases in which DOJ finds they have "prevailed," or achieved the purpose of the litigation....
As for the Congressional Western Caucus, Bishop said in a statement that its members remain concerned "that there may be abuse, but no one can know the truth about how EAJA operates
- until we begin to shed light on a program that has operated without Congressional
- oversight since 1995.
Taxpayers deserve to know how their hard earned tax dollars are being spent.""...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Soros Covert Operations threaten Democracy
- In a word: transparency.
How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely "NASA whistleblower" standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros' Open Society Institute , which gave him "legal and media advice"?
- That's right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros' flagship "philanthropy," by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI's "politicization of science" program."...
- (You will see this claim ridiculed, but it is not denied that Soros gave Hansen (an employee of US citizens) legal services. They can deny the amount, but unless we see bank statements of all involved parties, no one can know. "A lot of elite groups.. fly beneath the radar...") ed.
(continuing, IBD): "That may have meant that Hansen had media flacks help him get on the evening news to push his agenda and lawyers pressuring officials to let him spout his supposedly "censored" spiel for weeks
- in the name of advancing the global warming agenda.
Hansen even succeeded, with public pressure from his nightly news performances, in
- forcing NASA to change its media policies to his advantage.
Had Hansen's OSI-funding been known, the public might have viewed the whole production differently. The outcome could have been different.
That's not the only case. Didn't the mainstream media report that 2006's vast immigration rallies across the country began as a spontaneous uprising of 2 million angry Mexican-flag waving illegal immigrants demanding U.S. citizenship in Los Angeles, egged on only by a local Spanish-language radio announcer?
Turns out that wasn't what happened, either. Soros' OSI had money-muscle there, too, through its $17 million
- Justice Fund.
The fund lists 19 projects in 2006. One was vaguely described involvement in the immigration rallies. Another project funded illegal immigrant activist groups for subsequent court cases.
So what looked like a wildfire grassroots movement really was a
- manipulation from OSI's glassy Manhattan offices. The public had no way of knowing until the release of OSI's 2006 annual report.
Meanwhile, OSI cash backed terrorist-friendly court rulings, too.
Do people know last year's Supreme Court ruling abolishing special military commissions for terrorists at Guantanamo was a Soros project? OSI gave support to Georgetown lawyers in 2006 to win Hamdan v. Rumsfeld -
- for the terrorists.
OSI also gave cash to other radicals who pressured the Transportation Security Administration to scrap a program called "Secure Flight,"
- which matched flight passenger lists with terrorist names.
It gave more cash to other left-wing lawyers who
- persuaded a Texas judge to block cell phone tracking of terrorists.
They trumpeted this as a victory for civil liberties. Feel safer?
It's all part of the $74 million OSI spent on "U.S. Programs" in 2006 to "shape policy." Who knows what revelations 2007's report will bring around events now in the news?
OSI isn't the only secretive organization that Soros funds. OSI partners with the Tides Foundation, which funnels cash from
- wealthy donors who may not want it known that their cash goes to fringe groups engaged in "direct action" - also known as eco-terrorism.
On the political front, Soros has a great influence in a secretive organization called "Democracy Alliance" whose idea of democracy seems to be
- government controlled solely of Democrats.
"As with everything about the Democracy Alliance, the strangest aspect of this entire process was
- the incessant secrecy.
Among the alliance's stated values was a commitment to political transparency - as long as it didn't apply to the alliance," wrote Matt Bai, describing how the alliance was formed in 2005, in his book "The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics."
Soros' "shaping public policies," as OSI calls it, is not illegal. But it's a problem for democracy because
- it drives issues with cash and then
- only lets the public know about it after it's old news.
That means the public makes decisions about issues
- without understanding the special agendas of groups behind them.
Without more transparency, it amounts to
- political manipulation.
This leads to cynicism. As word of these short-term covert ops gets out, the public grows to distrust what it hears and tunes out.
- The irony here is that Soros claims to be an advocate of an "open society."
His OSI does just the legal minimum to disclose its activities. The public shouldn't have to wait until an annual report is out
- before the light is flipped on about the Open Society's political action."
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ah, Copenhagen! 80% of carbon trading houses were tax fraud fronts-PBS
"While US climate legislation languishes, the rest of the world is already taking the next step—educating police on how to keep criminals out of the global carbon markets. In Lyon, France last month, undercover agents specializing in wildlife smuggling rubbed elbows with financial sleuths at a conference sponsored by INTERPOL intended to highlight the
- increasing complexity of environmental crimes
- "Governments should start preparing for an onslaught of environmental court cases," said Bakary Kante, head of the United Nations Environment Programme's environmental law division.
- strategies to fight global environmental crime networks.
Inside, police sounded much like environmental advocates as they talked about the need to be vigilant and share intelligence about environmental abuses. "We have to prove, and prevent, murder in the future," is how M.C. van Leeuwen, an investigator with the Netherlands National Police, described the challenge of environmental policing. Following the evidence to prove liability can be challenging, he said, and it often gets down to
- eco-forensics.
A polluter's fingerprints may have been laid down decades before. Front companies, foreign registries, and the like tend to obscure liability. Uncertainties surrounding the science of toxicology can make establishing cause and effect difficult.
All those challenges are compounded as Lindemulder and others seek to expand Interpol's mandate into an
- entirely new terrain: crime in the global carbon markets.
- "When there's this amount of money involved," Lindemulder commented,
- "criminals get interested."
Lindemulder explained that agents from traditional environmental enforcement agencies are now compelled to understand the complexities of global finance.
- "The carbon markets involve so many parties, so many new instruments and forms of vulnerability that we haven't been aware of before."
(I was invited to present my findings exposing the difficulties in assessing the validity of carbon offsets, and the many uncertainties involved in turning tropical forests into carbon offsets).
- The complexity of the carbon markets,
- which operate with ambiguous oversight,
- presents an array of new opportunities for fraud,
- Take the rapid growth of interest in tropical forests serving as "offsets" to companies' carbon emissions.
In countries where land ownership is often disputed, the possibility for fraud is considerable, he said. "In effect, you could be falsifying ownership in something you can see in order to sell something that you can't.
- And then inserting that into the carbon markets and selling it to people."
Such a scenario is not as far-fetched as it may sound. The Overseas Anti-Corruption Unit in the
- City of London Police force is investigating allegations that a London-based offset developer,
- Carbon Harvesting Company, may have improperly claimed access to the forests of Liberia
- in order to sell the carbon rights to European and other companies.
In other instances, traders have generated hundreds of millions of euros in illicit profits by pocketing unpaid taxes—for instance, in a case that revealed
- more than 80 percent of carbon trading houses in Denmark were fronts for tax fraud.
"As the price of carbon increases, we know that the more lucrative it becomes,
- the more criminals will be attracted to the market," noted the UK's new environmental minister, Lord Chris Smith.
"We need to be way ahead of the criminals in thinking about what they're likely to do—whether trafficking in endangered species, in e-waste, or what might happen in carbon trading as it becomes an increasingly valuable commodity."
"This article was produced by Mother Jones as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.
Mark Schapiro is editorial director for the Center for Investigative Reporting."
- 10/9/10